Give A Little is the #1 donations app for SumUp card readers. Enabling you to turn almost any Android device into a way of easily collecting donations for your charity.
1. Download the Give A Little app
2. Login with your SumUp merchant account
3. Create a campaign using your branding
4. You're now ready to accept card donations
1. Configure the donation amounts you wish to offer in your campaign
2. Your donors can then select one of these amounts, or choose to enter their own amount
3. Once selected the donor can then tap their card or use chip and pin for larger donations
4. Receive secure donations in your bank account within 3 days
Give A Little integrates with SumUp via their standard SDK. SumUp is authorised as a Payment Institution by the Financial Conduct Authority and is Europay, MasterCard, Visa (EMV) and PCI-DSS certified, ensuring that payments are processed in accordance with the highest security standards.
Accept all international credit and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, VPay, Maestro, American Express). Furthermore, SumUp now offers its mobile card reader solution in 31 countries and counting!
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